Join us…
Start your post college experience with intentional community while growing your network and vocational skills.
Application for Admission
In partnership with The Fellows Initiative
In the Fellows Initiative and each local program throughout the US, we strive to love and exalt Jesus Christ with our heart, mind, body, and soul and in all areas of our lives. We desire to apply God’s truth to our lives and to help others learn and apply that same truth. We stress the essential relationship between knowing, feeling, and acting on the truth—being the people Christ calls us to be. We are a people who live out our faith in community within the local church. In this context, we strive to equip and train the next generation of leaders to love the local church and to engage God’s world. We are looking for recent college grads who long to explore an all-encompassing faith, nurture a heart for the local church, and awaken a hunger to be thoughtful believers in this world—to engage the culture in a thoughtful and winsome manner. We believe in the Creation of this world, the Fall of mankind, the Redemption given to us through Christ Jesus alone, and the Restoration of all things found only in Christ.
We are thrilled that you are interested in applying to The Nashville Fellows!
If you are considering applying to be a Nashville Fellow, please call (615.838.3197) or email us. We would love to tell you more about the program, answer your questions, and learn more about your hopes for the upcoming year.
Response By: Early January
Response By: Early February
Response by: Early April
After March 15th, applications will be received and reviewed on a rolling basis. Please apply as soon as possible to ensure that your application will be considered!
By submitting this application, I affirm that the information I provided in this application, including all attachments, is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. By submitting this application, I authorize The Nashville Fellows Program to make independent inquiries about me. I understand that as the final step before admission, a background check may be performed because I may be involved in working with the children and youth of the church. In light of the nature of our task as teachers and leaders in the church of Jesus Christ, we ask that all applicants, because of their ministry leadership roles, indicate their agreement to the following statements by submitting this application. 1) I have committed my life to Jesus Christ and seek to follow Him as my Lord and Savior. 2) If accepted into The Nashville Fellows Program, I will seek to model before those with whom I work a consistent Christian life characterized by devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. 3) If accepted into The Nashville Fellows Program, I willingly submit to the leadership and authority of the program in so far as it bears on my teaching. 4) If accepted into The Nashville Fellows Program, I will not teach ideas or doctrines while a fellow which I know to be contrary to the doctrinal stance of The Nashville Fellows Program or their partner churches.
Any questions about your application? Please contact John Allen, Nashville Fellows Executive Director, or 615 - 838 - 3197
“The simplest way to answer this is that a series of circumstances during my senior year of college and the following summer made it clear that my next step was to be in Nashville. I came here to explore the music industry and ended up falling in love with the city and now plan on investing myself in whatever sphere I am placed in here in Nashville.”